The Voice of the Rain Questions and Answers for Class 11 

Immerse yourself in the ethereal realm of nature with NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Poem 3, “The Voice of the Rain.” Delve into the enchanting verses that capture the rain’s essence, accompanied by meticulously crafted questions and answers. These solutions unravel the poem’s meaning, enhancing students’ poetic appreciation and exam readiness. Explore the symphony of raindrops with these insightful NCERT Solutions, unlocking the beauty of language and nature.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Poem – 3 The Voice of the Rain Questions and Answers

Think it out

I. 1. There are two voices in the poem. Who do they belong to? Which lines indicate this?

Answer: The poem features a duet of voices, both intrinsic to the verses and the rainfall itself. This dynamic is evident in the following lines: 

“And who might you be?” I inquired of the gentle descending shower. (Poet)

“I am Earth’s very own poem,” proclaimed the voice carried by the rain. (Rain)

2. What does the phrase “strange to tell” mean?

Answers: The expression “strange to tell” signifies an astonishing revelation. The poet demonstrates a remarkable ability to elicit responses from the rain. The rain itself was providing answers to the poet’s inquiries.

questions. 3. There is a parallel drawn between rain and music. Which words indicate this? Explain the similarity between the two.

Answer: A comparison is established between rain and music through the phrases like ‘soft falling flower,’ ‘And make pure and beautify,’ ‘Reck’d or unreck’d,’ and ‘with love returns.’ These elements share resemblances: both reverting to their origins regardless of being noticed, akin to echoes of their creation.

4. How is the cyclic movement of rain brought out in the poem? Compare it with what you have learnt in science.

Answer: Rain originates from the earth and the boundless sea. During the summer, it ascends from the sea into the heavens, transforming into clouds. Subsequently, this rain or shower descends upon the earth. This sequence draws parallels with scientific principles as well. According to science, water from rivers, seas, and ponds evaporates, ascending as weightless vapor. As the vapor cools and reaches a specific temperature, it condenses into water droplets, eventually culminating in rainfall upon the earth’s surface. 

5. Why are the last two lines put within brackets?

Answer: The final two lines are enclosed in parentheses to distinguish them as separate from the rain’s voices. Music finds its roots in the very birthplace of rain on earth, and while intangible within the poem, the rain’s concept is extensively elaborated upon.

6. List the pairs of opposites found in the poem.

Answer: The pairs of opposites found:

land sea
day night
in out
with without
same changed/differ
earth  heaven/sky

II. Notice the following sentence patterns. 

1. And who art thou? said I to the soft-falling shower. 

Answer: I said to the soft-falling shower, “Who are you?” 

2. I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain. 

Answer: The voice of the rain said. “I am the poem of earth”. 

3. Eternal I rise

Answer: I rise eternal.

4. For song…duly with love returns 

Answer: The song originating from the rain on earth after fulfillment and wondering whether it gets heard or not but it duly returns with love.

Rewrite the above sentences in prose.

III. Look for some more poems on the rain and see how this one is different from them.

This is a nature poem celebrating the coming of the rain.

Answer: Self-attempt.


This is a nature poem celebrating the coming of the rain.

Understanding the poem

Voices in the poem Sense of the poem

Relating to the process of rainfall scientifically (across the curriculum) 

Noticing sentence structure in poems

Comparison with other rain poems

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