The Duck and the Kangaroo Summary Class 9 

Name of the Poet –

Edward Lear


Edward Lear’s poem “The Duck and the Kangaroo,” the Duck expresses its admiration for the Kangaroo’s hopping ability and yearns for adventure beyond its mundane life in a pond. The Duck implores the Kangaroo to give it a ride on its back, promising to be a quiet and cooperative passenger. The Duck even plans ahead, buying socks and a cloak to keep its feet warm and indulging in cigars to accompany the Kangaroo on their journey. The Kangaroo initially hesitates, citing concerns about the Duck’s wet feet causing discomfort, but the Duck reassures the Kangaroo with its preparations.

The Duck’s persistence pays off, and the Kangaroo finally agrees to take the Duck on a moonlit adventure. The Kangaroo instructs the Duck to sit at the end of its tail to maintain balance, and they set off with a hop and a bound, traversing the world three times over. The poem portrays the Duck and the Kangaroo as happy and content in each other’s company, enjoying their travels together.

This the poem highlights the Duck’s longing for excitement and willingness to take risks to pursue its desire for adventure. It also showcases the Kangaroo’s initial reluctance and concerns, which are eventually overcome by the Duck’s assurances and determination. The poem reflects themes of cooperation, companionship, and the joy of exploring new horizons with a trusted partner.

The vivid imagery of hopping over fields and water, the Duck’s preparations with socks and a cloak, and the Kangaroo’s caution about potential rooMatiz add charm to the story. The poem’s lighthearted tone and playful language make it an enjoyable read, while also conveying a deeper message about taking chances, overcoming obstacles, and finding happiness in unexpected companionship.


In conclusion, “The Duck and the Kangaroo” captures the essence of the original poem, portraying the Duck’s adventurous spirit, the Kangaroo’s initial hesitation, and their eventual journey together around the world. It showcases themes of persistence, cooperation, and companionship, making it a delightful tale that encourages readers to embrace new experiences and find joy in unexpected places.

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