MCQ Questions for Class 11 Poem 1 A Photograph

A Photograph MCQ Class 11

1. What is the central theme of the poem “A Photograph”?

   – A. Life’s impermanence and the impact of death

   – B. The joy of capturing memories in photographs

   – C. The inevitability of change and acceptance

   – D. The significance of laughter and happy moments

2. How long does the poetess mention the duration captured in the photograph?

   – A. 10 years

   – B. 12 years

   – C. 15 years

   – D. 20 years

3. What is the poetess’s attitude towards the briefness of laughter and happy moments in the photograph?

   – A. Resentful

   – B. Accepting

   – C. Indifferent

   – D. Dismissive

4. How does the poetess describe the impact of death on life?

   – A. It brings emptiness and quiet

   – B. It enhances joy and happiness

   – C. It leads to confusion and chaos

   – D. It has no impact on life

5. What is the poetess’s response to her mother’s death in the poem?

   – A. She remains silent and indifferent

   – B. She expresses her feelings through a tribute and poem

   – C. She forgets about it quickly

   – D. She becomes resentful and bitter

6. What does the poetess believe her mother’s death brings out in her?

   – A. Indifference

   – B. A new response and inspiration

   – C. Silence and resignation

   – D. Forgetfulness

7. According to the poem, what does death do to everything?

   – A. It finishes everything

   – B. It enhances everything

   – C. It changes everything

   – D. It has no impact on anything

8. How does the poetess feel about the final silence of death?

   – A. Resentful

   – B. Inspired

   – C. Accepting (silently)

   – D. Indifferent

9. What lesson does the poetess want to convey in the poem’s conclusion?

   – A. Embrace life as death is unavoidable

   – B. Avoid capturing memories in photographs

   – C. Ignore the impact of death on life

   – D. Reject the idea of change and acceptance

10. What does the poetess suggest about life and death in the summary?

    – A. Life is avoidable, but death is inevitable

    – B. Death is avoidable, but life is inevitable

    – C. Death is unavoidable, so embrace life

    – D. Both life and death are avoidable

11. What does the photograph remind the poetess and her mother of?

    – A. The permanence of joy

    – B. The briefness of laughter and happy moments

    – C. The inevitability of change

    – D. The emptiness of life

12. How does the poetess express her feelings about her mother’s death?

    – A. Through silence

    – B. Through resentment

    – C. Through a tribute and poem

    – D. Through forgetfulness

13. What does the poetess accept silently in the conclusion?

    – A. The permanence of life

    – B. The final silence of death

    – C. The inevitability of change

    – D. The briefness of laughter

14. In the photograph summary, what does the poetess emphasize regarding death?

    – A. Its avoidability

    – B. Its impact on memories

    – C. Its inevitability

    – D. Its permanence

15. What is the poetess’s attitude towards memories in the photograph?

    – A. Indifferent

    – B. Resentful

    – C. Accepting

    – D. Forgetful

16. How does the poetess describe the impact of death on the poetess and her mother’s memories?

    – A. It enhances memories

    – B. It erases memories

    – C. It changes memories

    – D. It reminds them of the briefness of memories

17. According to the poetess, what does death bring out in her?

    – A. Silence and resignation

    – B. Indifference and bitterness

    – C. Forgetfulness and joy

    – D. Inspiration and loudness

18. What is the poetess’s final response to the photograph’s portrayal of life and death?

    – A. Resentment

    – B. Acceptance and peace

    – C. Silence and indifference

    – D. Forgetfulness

19. What does the poetess suggest about the impact of death on life’s experiences?

    – A. It enhances experiences

    – B. It diminishes experiences

    – C. It has no impact on experiences

    – D. It reminds of the briefness of experiences

20. According to the poem, what is the poetess’s reaction to the final silence of death?

    – A. Resentment

    – B. Acceptance (silently)

    – C. Loud expression

    – D. Forgetfulness

21. How does the poetess view the change portrayed in the photograph?

    – A. Negatively

    – B. Positively

    – C. Indifferently

    – D. Forgetfully

22. What is the poetess’s primary emotion towards her mother’s death?

    – A. Joy

    – B. Sadness

    – C. Inspiration

    – D. Acceptance

23. What does the poetess believe her mother’s death brings to her life?

    – A. Emptiness and quiet

    – B. Forgetfulness

    – C. Inspiration and joy

    – D. No impact

24. According to the poem, how does death affect the poetess’s ability to express her feelings?

    – A. It hinders expression

    – B. It enhances expression

    – C. It has no impact on expression

    – D. It erases expression

25. What does the poetess want the readers to do in the face of life’s impermanence?

    – A. Ignore it

    – B. Embrace it

    – C. Resist it

    – D. Forget it

26. How does the poetess describe the memories captured in the photograph?

    – A. Permanent

    – B. Brief

    – C. Forgettable

    – D. Unimportant

27. What does the poetess mean by the “final silence of death” in the conclusion?

    – A. The end of all sounds

    – B. The beginning of a new life

    – C. The permanence of memories

    – D. The acceptance of change

28. According to the poetess, what does death do to everything in the end?

    – A. Changes everything

    – B. Finishes everything

    – C. Enhances everything

    – D. Has no impact on anything

29. How does the poetess feel about the inevitability of change in life?

    – A. Resentful

    – B. Accepting

    – C. Indifferent

    – D. Forgetful

30. What does the poetess want to convey through her tribute and poem to her mother?

    – A. Resentment

    – B. Inspiration and loud expression

    – C. Forgetfulness

    – D. Acceptance (silently)

Answers to the multiple-choice questions:

1. A. Life’s impermanence and the impact of death

2. B. 12 years

3. B. Accepting

4. A. It brings emptiness and quiet

5. B. She expresses her feelings through a tribute and poem

6. B. A new response and inspiration

7. A. It finishes everything

8. C. Accepting (silently)

9. A. Embrace life as death is unavoidable

10. C. Death is unavoidable, so embrace life

11. B. The briefness of laughter and happy moments

12. C. Through a tribute and poem

13. B. The final silence of death

14. C. Its inevitability

15. C. Accepting

16. C. It changes memories

17. A. Silence and resignation

18. B. Acceptance and peace

19. D. It reminds of the briefness of experiences

20. B. Acceptance (silently)

21. C. Indifferently

22. D. Acceptance

23. A. Emptiness and quiet

24. B. It enhances expression

25. B. Embrace it

26. B. Brief

27. A. The end of all sounds

28. B. Finishes everything

29. B. Accepting

30. B. Inspiration and loud expression

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