The Bond of Love Summary for Class 9

Name of the Writer –

Kenneth Anderson


The Bond of Love is a heartwarming tale that revolves around the unique emotional bond shared between the author’s wife and her pet bear, Bruno, who later becomes affectionately known as ‘Baba’. It all began when the author rescued a baby bear in an accident and gifted it to his wife. From that moment on, Bruno became an integral part of their family, and the author’s wife showered him with love and care as if he were their own child.

As Bruno grew older, he formed bonds with everyone in the family, including the children and the pet dogs. He had his own bed and spent his days playing and frolicking around with the little ones. Despite a few mishaps along the way, such as consuming poison and engine oil, Bruno remained unscathed, and his sweet and playful nature endeared him to everyone. As he grew in size, his name was changed to ‘Baba’, meaning ‘a small boy’ in Hindi.

However, as Baba grew larger, concerns arose about his safety, especially around the children. Everyone, except the author’s wife, was in favor of sending him to a zoo as he was no longer suitable as a pet. Reluctantly, the author’s wife agreed, and after completing the necessary paperwork, Baba was sent to the Mysore Zoo. The wife was devastated and missed Baba terribly, constantly inquiring about his well-being.

After three long months, unable to bear the separation any longer, the author’s wife decided to visit Baba herself, despite being warned that he might not recognize her. To her delight, Baba immediately recognized her and greeted her with affection. Overjoyed, she spent ample time with him, petting and pampering him. Deeply moved by their reunion, the author’s wife made a decision – she could not bear to leave Baba behind. She went through the formalities and brought Baba back home.

Upon Baba’s return, the author’s wife created a special island for him, complete with a deep dry pit and his belongings. She cherished every moment spent with him, petting him, and cradling him in her lap, sharing an unbreakable bond of love. Despite the challenges and risks, the author’s wife was determined to keep Baba by her side, as he had become an irreplaceable part of her life.


In conclusion, The Bond of Love is a heart-touching story that portrays the remarkable bond of love between a woman and her pet bear. It highlights the deep emotional connection that can form between humans and animals, transcending barriers of species and size.

The author’s wife’s unwavering love and devotion towards Baba, despite the challenges they faced, exemplifies the profound connection and bond that can exist between a human and their beloved pet.

It is a testament to the power of love and the extraordinary ways in which animals can touch our hearts and enrich our lives.

The Snake trying Summary class 9

Name of the Poet-

W.W.E ross


The poet’s description of the snake’s escape from the pursuing stick in the poem evokes a sense of awe and appreciation for the snake’s inherent beauty and grace. The snake’s movements are depicted as fluid and elegant, with its thin, long body curving in sudden and mesmerizing ways as it glides through the water. The poet’s admiration for the snake’s agility and natural instincts is evident as they express a desire to let the snake go unharmed, allowing it to find refuge in the reeds without any harm.

Furthermore, the poem highlights the snake’s harmless nature, emphasizing that it poses no threat even to children. The snake is portrayed as small and green, blending into its natural surroundings, and is seen as a creature that deserves respect and protection. The poet’s appreciation for the snake’s beauty and their wish to let it go unharmed reflects a sense of reverence for the delicate balance of nature and the need to coexist harmoniously with all living beings.

The poem also serves as a subtle commentary on human behavior towards nature. The pursuing stick can be interpreted as a symbol of human interference or aggression towards wildlife. The poet’s admiration for the snake and their desire to let it go unharmed can be seen as a plea to refrain from causing harm to nature and its inhabitants. It highlights the importance of respecting the natural world and appreciating the beauty and value of all living creatures, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.

The use of vivid imagery and descriptive language in the poem paints a vivid picture of the snake’s escape and disappearance into its natural habitat. The ripples among the green, slim reeds create a serene and peaceful image, further emphasizing the snake’s rightful place in the natural world. The poem invokes a sense of wonder and awe for the beauty of nature and its inhabitants.


In conclusion, the poem portrays a snake’s attempt to escape from a pursuing stick, depicting its movements as beautiful and graceful. The poet’s admiration for the snake’s natural instincts and their desire to let it go unharmed serves as a reminder of the need to respect and protect the natural world. The poem underscores the delicate balance between humans and nature, and the importance of coexistence and reverence for all living creatures. It serves as a gentle plea to appreciate and protect the beauty of nature and its inhabitants, and to refrain from causing harm to the delicate ecosystems that surround us.

Green Snake Summary Class 9

Name of the Poet –

B.R. Lakshman Rao


In this brief but powerful short story, a green baby snake is discovered under a slab of stone by the narrator and their family. While the narrator expresses sympathy for the young snake and believes it to be harmless, the father and mother perceive it as a threat to their household and urge for it to be killed. Despite the narrator’s objection, the father takes matters into his own hands and kills the snake with a piece of firewood.

The story raises questions about the ethics of killing animals and our perceptions of danger. While the father and mother saw the snake as a threat, the narrator saw it as a harmless creature that posed no danger. This disagreement highlights how different people can have different perspectives on the same situation.

The story also explores the dynamics of power and control. The father’s decision to kill the snake despite the narrator’s objections shows his dominance and authority over the family. The narrator’s inability to stand up to their father highlights the power dynamic in the family.


In conclusion, this short story raises important questions about our treatment of animals and the ethics of killing them. It highlights how different people can have different perspectives on the same situation and the dynamics of power and control in families. The story is a reminder to consider the impact of our actions on others and to practice compassion towards all living beings.

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