Green Snake Summary & Notes Class 9

Name of the Poet –

B.R. Lakshman Rao


The short story begins with the discovery of a green baby snake by the narrator and their family. While the narrator sees the snake as a harmless creature, the father and mother immediately perceive it as a danger to their household. The story highlights the different perspectives people have towards the same situation, and how these perceptions can lead to conflicts.

The story also brings up the question of whether it is ethical to kill an animal simply because it is perceived as a threat. The narrator’s refusal to kill the snake shows a sense of compassion towards even the smallest and most insignificant creatures. This stance is in contrast to the father and mother’s desire to eliminate the perceived threat at any cost. The story encourages readers to consider the ethical implications of our actions towards animals and other living beings.

Furthermore, the story explores themes of power and control. The father’s decision to kill the snake despite the narrator’s objections shows his dominance and authority over the family. This power dynamic is further emphasized by the narrator’s inability to stand up to their father. The story highlights the need to question authority when necessary and to challenge power structures that perpetuate harm towards others.


The story’s themes and questions can be applied to broader societal issues. For example, our perceptions of danger towards certain groups of people can lead to discrimination and harm. The story encourages readers to challenge their assumptions and biases towards others and to consider the implications of our actions towards those who are perceived as different or threatening.


In conclusion, this short story challenges readers to consider their perceptions of danger, the treatment of animals, and the dynamics of power and control. It encourages readers to practice compassion towards all living beings and to question authority when necessary. The story is a reminder that our actions have consequences and that we have a responsibility to consider the impact of our choices on others.

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